Ice is owned by Lyse AS, a Norwegian energy and telecom group. The group is wholly owned by 14 municipalities in South Rogaland, and Lyse's value creation benefits the community. Nationally, the group has become a significant player in fiber-based broadband and mobile services, delivering products and services under the brands Lyse, Altibox, ice, and NiceMobil. Lyse complies with the Transparency Act on behalf of all companies in the group.
2020park AS
2020park aims to become the most pleasant office park in the Stavanger region, fostering well-being and efficiency for its residents and users through sustainable and innovative solutions.
Functional and environmentally friendly buildings are designed to satisfy users. Our philosophy dictates that a good indoor environment, well-designed spaces, and facilitation for cyclists, joggers, and pedestrians are success factors that significantly impact job satisfaction and productivity.
Eastron Europe
Eastron Europe Limited specializes in innovative designs and advanced electronic measuring instruments, providing expert support to the UK and European Markets
Utilising the new high tech manufacturing facilities of Eastron Electronic Company Limited in China. They specialise in R&D, production and sales of smart meters and solutions. With advanced technologies of intelligent meter, Eastron Europe have developed many different products, with excellent performance, providing options for clients
Oslobygg KF
We look forward to using the tool to improve our work and gain even better control over energy costs. Magnhild Kallhovd, Leader, Oslobygg KF
Stormberg – Kristiansand
Stormberg is Norway's best-selling sports and outdoor clothing brand. They develop, design, and sell hiking and sports clothing. Stormberg continuously works to reduce the climate and environmental impact associated with their business. Both their headquarters and warehouse in Kristiansand have installed our building automation and energy monitoring solution. This has contributed to reduced energy consumption as well as increased focus on energy-efficient measures.
Skeie Eiendom
Skeie Eiendom utvikler tidsriktige og bærekraftige bolig- og næringsbygg av høy kvalitet. Byggene skal være tilknyttet sentrale knutepunkt og utvikles for videresalg eller utleie.
Leangbukten Båtforening
Grimstad Kommune
Cargill - Ewos Bergsneset
The factory is located in Balsfjord municipality in Troms County. The Bergneset industrial area is located deep in the Bals fjord, surrounded by the Lyngen Alps and other majestic mountain peaks.
IOT Solutions has delivered sensors and software for prescriptive maintenance of pumps
Mecatronic Innovation Lab
A world-leading center for innovation, pilot testing and technology qualification within mechatronics and related fields. IOT Solutions has delivered a vibration test bench.